Thursday, December 31, 2009

22 Bizarre and Normal Funny Photos

Tags: bizarre, Strange, Funny, crazy pictures, crazy pics, Humor, beautiful, wonder...

10 Strange and Bizarre Phenomena

1. Ball Lightning This bizarre electrical phenomenon usually occurs during thunderstorms and lasts for up to thirty seconds. Balls of lightening are said to behave in strange ways, hovering, rolling, hissing and sometimes passing through walls, in a way that seems completely unnatural. As a result, ball lightening has long been associated with aliens and ghosts, and the kind of pseudo-psychic head-cases who believe they can communicate with the other side. Thousands of people throughout history have reported seeing ball lightening, including Benjamin Franklin and my grandmother, but until recently their claims were largely ignored. However, with...

Sunday, December 27, 2009

10 Most Bizarre and Strange Christmas Decorations

1. Humping ReindeerI’m not sure this is good for the sanity of the neighborhood children. After all it is only a matter of time before they ask their parents just what the reindeers are doing. Though this will certainly cause everyone to take a second look when they walk or drive by.2. Beer Bottle Christmas TreeNow this is a tree that really makes sense, after all most trees either end up on the curb or back up in the attic, but now once Christmas is done, the party can really begin. It is always great to have to a reason to celebrate after the holiday season, maybe this is what they mean by the gift that keeps on giving. Though you might have...

16 Most Bizarre and Horrific Human Growths of All Time

What’s the worst you’ve ever felt? After seeing what the people below have suffered and gone through, you might have a whole new perspective of what’s really bad. All of these people have had some sort of abnormal growth that became ridiculous and extreme. Some have had surgery to correct these anomalies, while there is no cure or help available for others.Man with No FaceJose Mestre suffers from haemangioma, a condition that causes abnormalities in the capillaries and veins in his face. Blood pools in his face, which has caused him to develop a huge weeping facial tumor. He is commonly called “The Man with No Face.” He has refused medical treatment...

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