Monday, January 25, 2010

So you think you've had a bad day? Spare a thought for the world's most miserable-looking fish, which is now in danger of being wiped out

The unfortunately named blobfish has already acquired a reputation for looking sad.And now it has good reason for its glum expression - scientists are warning over-fishing by trawlers of its south eastern Australian habitat is threatening to make it extinct.The bloated bottom dweller, which can grow up to 12 inches, lives at depths of up to 800m, so it rarely seen by humans. But thanks to increased fishing, the fish is being dragged up with other catches.Despite being unedible itself, the blobfish lives at the same depths as other more appetising ocean organisms, including crab and lobster.Deep-sea expert Professor Callum Roberts, from University...

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Plumber with shattered arm left horrifically bent out of shape has operation 'cancelled four times'

A plumber whose arm was left twisted grotesquely out of shape in an accident ten months ago has had an operation to correct it 'cancelled four times'.Torron Eeles, 50, has been left unable to work since falling down the stairs and now fears he may lose his home after being denied incapacity benefit.The father-of-three today hit out at the NHS for the 'unacceptable delays', but East and North Hertfordshire NHS Trust said Mr Eeles had his operation cancelled on 'only' two occasions on clinical safety grounds.His left arm has hung limply by his side since he fractured the humerus bone in December 2008.Mr Eeles, from Welham Green, Hertfordshire,...

Thursday, January 14, 2010

World's oldest lightbulb still burning bright after 109 years

The world's oldest light bulb has been burning for 109 years - so little wonder it has a fan club with thousands of members and its own website.As EU rules deny householders the right to use traditional filament bulbs, the so-called 'Centennial Light' has been on almost constantly since 1901.It holds pride of place in Fire Station 6, in Livermore, northern California.The longest time the Guinness World Record-holding bulb has ever been turned off for is just a week.Dangling above the fire engines, people come for hundreds and thousands of miles to see the diminutive symbol.The bulb was designed by Adolphe Chailet, who competed with the likes...

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Bizarre Pictured: Lulu, the pint-sized chihuahua who is just four inches long

A micro-chihuahua with a big personality is turning heads as one of the world's smallest dogs - measuring up at just four inches long.When tiny pup Lulu was born along with her sister and two brothers three months ago, her owner Jean Tindall, 76, didn't think there was anything remarkable about her.But as the weeks passed pensioner Jean, who has bred chihuahuas for five years, noticed Lulu was not growing like her siblings - in fact, she was not growing at all.Grandmother-of-two Jean, from Bradford, West Yorkshire, said: 'I didn't think anything of it when her mum gave birth to the litter, she looked the same size as all the others.'But puppies...

Sunday, January 10, 2010

The moment a £140,000 Lamborghini parked UNDER another car

Finding a parking space can be a frustrating business sometimes.But trying to slot a £140,000 supercar underneath another vehicle is not a tactic worth attempting – as these astonishing pictures show.Somehow, while driving around Hollywood Hills, California, the skinny-nosed Lamborghini Gallardo slid right under the giant Saab 4x4, lifting it into the air.And amazingly, the sports car seemed to hold up pretty well.Despite damaging the front, the Lamborghni’s roof didn’t buckle under the two-ton Saab 9-7X.Tags: Lamborghni, Hollywood Hills, Gallardo, amazingly, cool, crazy, Funny, Humor, incredi...

Bizarre and Sacred Valley

Peru’s Sacred Valley usually refers to a roughly 60-km stretch of land between the cities of Pisac and Ollantaytambo. Just 16 km south of Cusco, the ancient capital of the Inca Empire, the Sacred Valley often misses out to the more famous site of Machu Picchu – but as the following images show, quite undeservedly so as Sacred Valley offers stunning Andes Mountains views, winding roads and mind-boggling Inca architecture.Typical terrace architecture with buildings/temples at the top:Just about 12 km northwest of Cusco is Sacsayhuaman, full of Inca ruins and a marvel of Inca construction skill. The belief today is that Sacsayuaman was mainly a...

Bridges Devoured by Amazing Cloud

The sight of bridges devoured by fog and appearing to float in the air evokes all kinds of fantastic associations – magic faraway lands and fairytale bridges in the sky to name but a few. Even so, a certain ominous quality also pervades such scenes. If bridges represent humankind’s capacity to cross natural divides like rivers, bays and valleys, masses of cloud at ground level can also be a serious visibility hazard – a sign that we don’t always have it our own way on this planet. Verrazano-Narrows Bridge, New York With a central span of 4,260 feet (1,298 m), the Verrazano-Narrows Bridge is the largest suspension bridge in the US and was the...

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

The Amaizng and Bizarre Vast Lightshows of the Aurora

Tags: Aurora Australis, Aurora Borealis, aurorae, blue aurora, green aurora, Northern Lights, red aurora, Southern Lights, southern polar lights...

15 Most Bizarre and Strange photos of the year 2009

Tags: bizarre, weird, Strange, strange inventions, Amazing, Humor, Cool, Interest...

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