Sunday, January 9, 2011

10 Most Bizarre Mushrooms

The Brain mushroom (Gyromitra esculenta)Gyromitra esculenta, one of several species of fungi known as false morels, is an ascomycete fungus from the genus Gyromitra, widely distributed across Europe and North America. It normally sprouts in sandy soils under coniferous trees in spring and early summer. The fruiting body, or mushroom, is an irregular brain-shaped cap dark brown in colour which can reach 10 cm high and 15 cm wide, perched on a stout white stipe up to 6 cm (2.4 in) high. Although potentially fatal if eaten raw,Gyromitra esculenta is a popular delicacy in Scandinavia, Eastern Europe, and the upper Great Lakes region of North America...

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Wonderful escape after lorry flips over on bridge and is held upside down over 200ft drop by a single punctured tyre

The driver of this lorry had a miraculous escape after his vehicle was left suspended over a 200ft drop... by a single punctured tyre.The man lost control of his vehicle along a major road, clipped the concrete wall of a bridge and the heavy lorry rolled over as it slid perilously close to the edge.A passerby caught the moment on camera as the momentum of the lorry carried it into the barrier and flipped it over the top.But thanks to the punctured tyre and pieces of torn sheet metal on the ground near the diesel tank, the lorry was somehow pinned in place suspended upside down over the deep gorge below.Rescuers tentatively approached the vehicle...

Monday, January 3, 2011

10 Cool Images of Mars

Staring into the clear night sky, you see a bright light low in the west and realize that from at least 35 million to 250 million miles away depending on orbit, Mars awaits. Was it ever inhabited by life? What secrets does it hold that we hope it will give up? Some of this will be answered by the images and data collected by HiRISE.Possible Active Dune Gullies HiRISE stands for High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment, a coordinated project between NASA and the University of Arizona. It has produced spectacular images of Mars for our enjoyment and helps researchers to explore the history of water on the planet. In the top picture, Richardson...

Strange pup who put his nose where it wasn't wanted

Dogs may be inquisitive by nature, but this eight-month-old German Shepherd was heading for trouble when he decided to check out this hole in the wall.Rebel somehow squeezed his head into a tight spot in the 18in wall in his garden at home in Los Angeles, California, and got well and truly stuck.It was only when a friend of the owner, who was out at the time, heard Rebel whimpering that he found the pup was in a bit of a tight spot and called the authorities.County Animal Services officers arrived and decided the dog was not in serious danger. They also concluded that if Rebel could get his head into the hole, they would be able to pull him out,...

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