Sunday, August 29, 2010

Bizarre river creatures

River is home to some of the millions of fresh-water type of animals – not to mention its body is being lurk by the creepiest river monsters day and night. These type of monsters are like the ones your mom used to scare you when you’re just a kid. Creatures straight from your nightmare, actually. Vampire Piranha A close relative of the piranha, the payara is often called the “vampire fish” because of its long fangs, which can grow to 6 inches in length. This little-known but frightening-looking fish is found in the Orinoco River in Venezuela.Goliath TigerfishWhen your name is “Goliath,” you’d better be one humongous, ferocious creature, and the...

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Weird handbag ever

I can’t believe there are people who would actually buy this sort of hand bag. In my opinion it is not cute at all, if that was the original idea, but it is deeply disturbing and I can’t bare looking at it.It looks like some sick taxidermist killed, shaved a stuffed some poor puppy and then made a handbag out of it.There are even signs of Louis Vuitton over the bag. Maybe it was made as some sort of protest against using real animal leather in making handbags, but I couldn’t find any info about it on internet.What do you think about this handbag? Would you ever buy something like this or do you think it’s a bit too much?...

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Man in a red England shirt get Weird Bull attack face to face

Resting his chin in his hands and enjoying the Spanish sun, this man in a red England shirt has no idea that he is about to come face to face with a rampaging, enraged beast.Seconds later he is fleeing for his life as one bull leaps into the stands at a bullring and charges through the crowd.At least 40 people were injured when the 1,100lb animal scaled the perimeter fence in Tafalla, Spain.Hmmm, that bull is starting to get a little close to the fence: The man in the England jersey, circled, watches the creature - seemingly oblivious to what is about to happenOMG: The Lion comes face to face with 1,100 pounds of fury as the bull leaps over the...

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Top 10 Strange Facts About YOU

1 – Body Position Affects Your Memory Can’t remember your anniversary, hubby? Try getting down on one knee. Memories are highly embodied in our senses. A scent or sound may evoke a distant episode from one’s childhood. The connections can be obvious (a bicycle bell makes you remember your old paper route) or inscrutable. A recent study helps decipher some of this embodiment. An article in the January 2007 issue of Cognition reports that episodes from your past are remembered faster and better while in a body position similar to the pose struck during the event.2 – Your Skin Has Four ColorsAll skin, without coloring, would appear creamy white....

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Strange Chinese Boy With 31 Fingers

This poor chinese boy has 31 fingers, he got 15 fingers and 16 toes. it’s much more than the normal people. this poor Chinese boy would break the records for the most fingers in the world. A Chinese hospital has released images of a 6-year-old boy who was born with 15 fingers and 16 toes. Since more isn’t always better, he’ll soon undergo surgery to have the extras removed. With a total of 31 fingers and toes, the boy, who’s identity hasn’t been revealed, has beaten the previous record of 25. According to scientists, the excess offingers and toes is a result of gene mutation....

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

10 Most Bizarre pics of year 2010

Little face on the glass Face in an elephant ear OctopusGoats In Trees calendarPizzas in a pizzaDivine interventionMakeshift bridge supportRafting street artPictures in loveKnitted turkey ...

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Bizarre Mutilated Dolls!

Think dolls and toys and you’ll more than likely come up with warm, fuzzy memories of childhood and playing with that year’s must-have game.Whether it’s a Furby, He-man or Barbie, it’s all about good wholesome fun. Top artists in America are exploring that idea and turning it on its head with a range of one of a kind dolls specifically designed to give you the creeps.If you can imagine Sindy with a chainsaw, Action Man with a penchant for body mutilation or teddy with an axe to grind – quite literally – then you’re halfway there.The popularity of creating scary or freakishly deformed dolls as artwork is growing all the time in the States and...

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