
Albino Deer

Albino Elk

Albino Moose

Albino (White) Billy Goat

Albino (White) Llama

Albino Alpaca

Albino Camel

White Giraffe

Albino (White) Moth

Albino Hedgehog

Albino Cat

White Bengal Tiger

White Lion

Albino Ferret

Albino Bison

Albino Dingo

Albino Koala

Albino Seal

Albino Whale

Albino Fish

Albino Turtle

Albino Frog


Albino Alligator

Albinism in Birds

Albino Mockingbird

Snowy Egret

White Heron

Albino Kookaburra

Albino Owl

Albino Ostrich

Albino Penguin

Some of these animals NOT albino!!!! the cat has orange pigment in its fur and blue eyes! it would have pure white fur and pinkish eyes if it was albino! Like wise with the tiger and lion! The snowey egret has yellow eyes and a black bill and feet. if it was albino, it would have pale eyes, and a pink bill and feet! please get your facts straight before you post them!
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