Saturday, May 30, 2009

Birds Nests in the Most Bizarre Places

Few doubt the brilliance of bird nest design, but it seems our feathered friends are just as ingenious when it comes to picking locations for their future homes. They need to be, when you consider the rate at which we’re gobbling up space on our planet. Yet looking at some of the bizarre spots birds mark out as prime real estate, anyone would think this business tells you something about each bird’s taste and character.This collared dove isn’t going to be getting any peace and quiet nested in amongst the nuts and bolts fixings of some traffic lights at a very busy junction.Bright lights big cityThis thrush and its young family have gone a step...

Sunday, May 24, 2009

15 of the Meanest CAPTCHAs ever


Friday, May 22, 2009

7 Bizarre Bugs with Human Faces

These mini warriors have pretty smart warfare defences. Shield bugs, or stink bugs, have glands in their thorax (the part between the head and the abdomen) between their first and second pair of legs that produce a foul-smelling liquid, which is used for defense and released when the bug feels threaten...

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

The horses who wear dresses

It is the traditional outfit worn by thousands of women in Bavaria and recognisable throughout the world - but now horses are getting in on the act. Dirndl dresses have become a must-have outfit for horses who want to look good in the field.Bavarian designer Hildegard Bergbauer, who usually creates dirndl dresses for women, has branched out and makes the outfits for not only horses but also cats and dogs. She said she was inspired to create the outfits by watching stage shows as a youngster. 'The animals appeared on stage with little handbags and hats,' she added.'It was a sight that I'll never forget and an experience that has shaped me. The...

Saturday, May 16, 2009

10 Most Diabolical Insects On Earth

If you had to choose between a chance encounter with the following insects – hissing cockroaches, blister beetles, earwigs, Jerusalem crickets, Giant Wetas and the like – which ones would be your lesser evil? And would you rather take gross or venomous? Here’s our Top Ten countdown of nature’s most diabolical insects. But be advised, if you’re the jumpy kind, proceed at your own risk…Insects are the most diverse group of animals on the planet, with species of common insects like bees, wasps, true bugs, moths and beetles ranging in the tens or hundreds of thousands. Given this diversity, picking only ten of the most “diabolical” was not an easy...

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