It is the traditional outfit worn by thousands of women in Bavaria and recognisable throughout the world - but now horses are getting in on the act. Dirndl dresses have become a must-have outfit for horses who want to look good in the field.
Bavarian designer Hildegard Bergbauer, who usually creates dirndl dresses for women, has branched out and makes the outfits for not only horses but also cats and dogs.
She said she was inspired to create the outfits by watching stage shows as a youngster. 'The animals appeared on stage with little handbags and hats,' she added.'It was a sight that I'll never forget and an experience that has shaped me. The idea has gone down really well. People think it's a lot of fun.'
The costume leapt into popular Western culture in The Sound Of Music, about the von Trapp family, starring a dirndl-attired Julie Andrews (inset) as nanny Maria. So, if you're looking to match outfits with your pet next time you're at the boozy Munich Oktoberfest, you're in luck. Dunno how lucky your pet will feel though...
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